Moinmoin Wiki Installation
Prerequisite -> The latest version
of Python to be installed. Docs for which can be found here:-
OK, firstly, pull the latest
version of moinmoin down from:-
tar zxvf moinmoin-1.5.x.tgz
cd moinmoin-1.5.x
It would help to pull up the official docs at this point at:-
The first stage of the install is called BasicInstallation.
Assuming your Python location is in your PATH, simply type:-
python -v --quiet install --record=install.log
This will install the relevant files into the home directory e.g. ~moinmoin
Then to test:-
> python
Python 2.3.4 (#1, May 29 2004, 17:05:23)
[GCC 3.3.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license"
for more information.
>>> import MoinMoin
easy as pie! Moinmoin is now installed…unless you see errors in the above.
The next step is to create an instance of a wiki.
Like it says in the docs, choose a location to put your wiki’s, e.g:-
and create a directory named after your wiki e.g.:-
Then copy the following dir’s into that dir:-
and the contents of ‘htdocs’
This was the flaw in the docs. As far as I could see as there was no mention of this step and thus the wiki fails to load correctly.
There are a couple of tweaks required to, namely change the location of the ‘data’ and ‘underlay’ dirs from relevant to absolute.
Change permissions as follows:-
chmod –R 777 data
chmod –R 777 underlay
The next step is to configure Mod Python which you can find at:-
Then add the following to your directive in httpd.conf:-
<Location /mywiki>
SetHandler python-program
# Add the path of your wiki directory
PythonPath "['/var/www/moin/mywiki'] + sys.path"
obviously amend to suit your environment.
That’s basically it, a quick restart of apache, check of the error logs, and we’re ready to roll!!!
Simply go to your browser and browse to:-
Posted at 05:34PM Apr 24, 2006 by Rob Garbutt in Misc technical |